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Rabu, 21 November 2012

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris " Business English: Presentations "

Anthony: Since you are the official Connect team, I want to update you on our plan for the upcoming
Michael: Plan?
Anthony: Now, now, no need to get nervous.
                  All of you know that this conference is a very big deal for Wirego, specifically for the launch of
                  Connect. I’m expecting the conference to be more than a trade show - much more.
Michael:  We know. And I know that we’re all really proud to be part of this team.
Anthony: Our product presentation will be the first introduction of our product to hundreds of
                   potential buyers. And even if a couple of the international carriers bought our phone, well,
                   that would mean...
Michael: ...big profits. I’m your sales guy, Anthony, and I’m going to make it happen.
Anthony: I know you can sell it, Michael, you are our best. And Lily, you’re our top marketing exec.
                  That’s why you’re both on the team. And, Ken...
Ken: Yes, sir.
Anthony: Ken, please, you don’t have to call me sir. I was going to say that despite being relatively new
                  here, you are our top tech guy. You’re a technical wizard, and that’s why I brought you to
Ken: Thank you, sir. Sorry, sir … I mean Anthony.
Michael: Wait, I’m not following here. Where are you going with this?
Anthony: I’d like each one of you to make a presentation of your own speciality. Michael, you’ll be doing
                  the overall sales pitch, Lily, the marketing angle, and you, Ken, are going to present
                  information on how the product actually works to people who do not know six programming
                  languages. And, I am hiring a presentations coach to come in and work with all of you.No
                  reason to panic! I know that you are all capable of doing a great job. That’s why you’re here.
                  But public speaking can be a nerve-racking experience and I want you to be all as confident as
                  possible before getting up there and impressing a roomful of potential buyers.
Lily: So, who’s this coach?
Anthony: Her name is Lucille Dupruis and she’ll be here on Thursday.
Michael: Lucille Dupruis: French?
Anthony: Yes, she is based in Paris, but speaks excellent English, works all over Europe and is one of the
                  best in the field.
Lily: Okay, well, thank you, Anthony. We’re sure to benefit from her session.
Michael: How bad can it be?
Anthony: Michael, I know I don’t need to say this, but I want you to welcome Ms. Dupruis appropriately.
                  Bringing her in does not mean that I think there is something wrong with your presentation
                  skills. I know you’re a great salesman, and that you’ve made your fair share of presentations.
Michael: Yes, absolutely. Sorry, Anthony, I’ll shape up the attitude.
Anthony: Great. Okay, team, I’m off. Next meeting in five minutes. Ms. Dupruis should be emailing you a
                  small assignment to do before her session on Thursday.
Ken: Thanks, Anthony.
Anthony: Sure thing Ken. See you later.
Lily: So, what do you guys think?
Ken: I know her.
Lily: What?
Michael: Know who?
Ken: I know her, the coach, Lucille Dupruis.
Lily: You know her? From where, your old company? Did she do her workshop there?
Ken: Not exactly.
Michael: Well, come on then, how do you know her?
Ken: We dated.
Michael: What? You’re kidding.
Lily: And do you still keep in touch?
Ken: No, not really.
Michael: Listen, I don’t want to pry, but is this going to be awkward? I mean maybe you should have said
                 something to Anthony.
Ken:  No, I didn’t feel comfortable saying anything. I’ll call her, I think, and give her some warning. I’m
          sure that we’ll be able to be professional about this. And if anyone could use her workshop at this
          point, it’s me.
Lily: Oh dear, this is a bit complicated.
Michael: Come on - let’s get back to our offices.
Lots of work to do, plus the homework that’s supposed to be waiting in our mailboxes.
Lily: Right! See you guys later.

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